Condominium Administration

Get to know our condominium management services.

Condominium Administration

Our condominium management service covers all functions inherent in an Administrator as described in the Horizontal Property legislation but always taking into account and following the resolutions taken at the General Assembly of Owners.

The treatment of your condominium information is done with all security and confidentiality and is also ensured through the use of specialized technical tools thus ensuring greater efficiency in the processing of your data.

You can count on the execution of a good budgetary rigor regarding the control of the building’s current expenses and revenues and with innovative, flexible and effective methods used to fulfill the payment of ordinary and extraordinary contributions, thus ensuring the sustainability of your condominium. . In order to ensure the satisfaction of our customers, we always take your opinion into consideration.

This opinion may be provided confidentially or not, through satisfaction surveys we provide to all customers as their opinion is very important to us.

For daily monitoring of the management of your condominium we provide access to the “Grupo Ria Online” platform and through this tool, you can access all documents of your condominium, such as minutes, invoices, receipts, bank statements, internal regulations, budget analysis, checking and incident management.

These functions include:

  • Request for water, gas and electricity meters in the name of the condominium;
  • Signing of contracts with condominium service companies;
  • Supervision of contracted services;
  • Marking of council members’ assemblies;
  • Design of minutes of the Assembly of joint owners;
  • Preparation of Internal Regulations of the condominium;
  • Verification of the existence of Fire Risk Insurance – (Article 5 of DL 268/94 of 25 October);
  • Contracting, in case of non-existence, Fire Risk Insurance;
  • Representation of the condominium with the administrative and legal entities;
  • Opening of current bank accounts and condominium savings;
  • Preparation of the annual budget;
  • Payment of condominium expenses;
  • Issuance of quota collection notices;
  • Constitution of the Common Reserve Fund (article 4 of DL 268/94 of 25 October);
  • Verification of compliance with extinguisher and lift inspection dates.

Grupo Ria provides you with all the conditions and solutions so that you can rest easy in relation to your condominium.


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